Safety & Security
At Keolis the number one priority is safety for passengers, employees and other road users. The average spend of a Keolis subsidiary on safety and security is between 4 and 7% of its annual budget. It’s why we operate some of the safest bus, rail, light rail and metro systems in the World.

The Environment
As a provider of transport solutions and an operator of thousands of vehicles, Keolis is proactive in promoting solutions which contribute to limit substantially their impact on the environment.
We feel public transport has a huge role to play in improving the environment we live in – something which is reflected in the increasingly clean nature of our operations.
By 2030, Keolis aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% compared to 2019, while increasing threefold the number of kilometres travelled using alternative energy sources.

Keolis is committed to improving the accessibility of public transport everywhere. In all areas where Keolis has an influence on the equipment, vehicle or organisation of the provision public transport, the group aims to increase accessibility for all.

Our communities

Our people

Committed to safety, sustainability and the communities we operate in.
We imagine. We care. We commit.
Modern Slavery Statement
Modern Slavery Statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.
Modern Tax Strategy
The Keolis UK Tax Strategy for 2024 can be found here.
Privacy Policy
The Keolis UK Privacy Policy for 2024 can be found here.
See Our Ethics and Compliance policy here.